Glendale Association of Student Nurses

Glendale Association of Student Nurses


Glendale Association of Student Nurses club logo.Field of Interest (FOI) - Health Sciences



Aids in the development of student nurses by providing pre-professional organization, fostering good citizenship, providing a medium of interaction between nursing students and GCC personnel, and building interest in community service.


Mission Statement

The Glendale Association of Student Nurses is dedicated to providing student nurses enrolled or planning to enroll in Glendale Community College's School of Nursing, the emotional support, educational resources, and professional advocacy needed to assure the success of the nursing student. Through monthly meetings, social activities, fundraisers, and clinical lecture series, GASN is dedicated to providing the student nurse with a wide variety of support services.

Please take a moment to read the Glendale Association of Student Nurses Constitution.


Join G.A.S.N.

Membership in the Glendale Association of Student Nurses will enable you to grow both personally and professionally. Teamwork, leadership, and professionalism are stressed through community service for the promotion of healthcare. Join now and experience the "heart" of nursing! All GCC nursing students are automatically considered members of GASN and are invited to participate in all events. We encourage you to pay dues of $10 per semester or $40 for all 4 blocks.

Complete a GASN Membership Form  (which is also located on the GASN Virtual Club Fair page) and pay your dues at the cashier's office. They will verify payment.

Return the form to a GASN advisor, the GASN treasurer, or the nursing lab director.

In order to participate in the Pinning Ceremony, dues must be paid by March 1 in Spring semester or October 1 in Fall semester of Block 4 or a late fee of $10 will be added. (Total of $50 payment due)

Advance Placement students must pay the full $40 dues in order to participate in pinning per GASN bylaws.


Want to participate in pinning?

GASN finances most of the cost of the pinning ceremony. Block 4 students who wish to participate in the Pinning Ceremony upon completion of the GCC Nursing Program must pay full GASN membership dues. If you have a financial hardship and feel you cannot participate in pinning due to the cost, see GASN advisor Laurie Schulz as some funding is available. All information will be confidential.


Meetings & Past Events

Follow us on GASN Facebook. For this semester's events, click on the GASN Events flyer to the right.

Sign up for Remind Text Alerts for upcoming meetings and events.

For more information on how nursing students can get involved with the American Nurse's Association, click here.

Please contact the advisor to express interest and acquire meeting information and link to join.


Meet Our Advisors

Dr. Melissa Williams
Alisha Ryum Stott
Jessica Dwork
Kerissa Le