Student Email

Student Email

All students attending a Maricopa Community College are assigned a Google Mail email address that ends with "" This email account is separate from your personal Google Mail account.

All official Maricopa email is sent to your email account. Check for messages frequently.


How Do I Get Started?

If you already have an MEID and password you can login to your Maricopa student email account.

If it has been more than a year since you last used your MEID, then you will need to reactivate it and set your password. If you have used it within the last year and have forgotten your password, then you can do a self-service password reset. Your MEID page has instructions for reactivating your MEID and resetting your password.

Your Maricopa student email account starts with your MEID and ends with "" Maricopa Enterprise IDs have the format of either "XXX9999999" or "XXXXX99999" where "X" is a letter and "9" represents a number.



  • Currently, your student email account has 7GB of storage.
  • Messages can be as large as 20MB, including attachments.
  • We recommend that you access your student email account through a web browser, such as Google Chrome, and not through a mail client like Outlook or Thunderbird.
  • Some file types cannot be attached to your email. These include executable programs (.com, .exe, etc.) or compressed files such as: .zip, .tar, .tgz, .z, and .gz.
  • More tips on using Gmail


Where Can I Find Help?

Want to Forward Your Student Email to Another Email Account?

You can forward your student email account to your personal email account. Instructions are available in this online guide