Lynn Mizzi Brysacz, Dr

Lynn Mizzi Brysacz

A profile picture of Lynn Mizzi Brysacz.

Residential Faculty

Department: Counseling

Contact Information

Campus: Main
Office Number: CCS-105
Phone number: 623-845-4570

Office Hours

By appointment



I did most of my growing up in Phoenix attending 6 schools in 5 years before settling in at Xavier High School half-way through my sophomore year. I went on to earn a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology from Santa Clara University, a Masters in Counseling from Arizona State University, and, many years later, a Doctorate in Education also from Arizona State University.

Working with people in transition is a passion of mine. I’ve taught and counseled in community colleges, in universities, and in a small liberal arts women’s college. In addition to my many years in higher education, I served two years as the Program Director at the Cancer Support Community of Arizona and am a cancer survivor myself.

Facilitating personal growth, goal achievement, and resilience in individuals and communities with grace and compassion is my mission. I also enjoy spending time with friends and family, cooking, hiking, and enjoying the great outdoors. Thanks for reading a bit about me; I hope to meet you soon!