The Traveler Volume 55 is here!

Thursday, July 6, 2023
The Traveler, volume 55 cover and artwork.

Photo by Julianne Kyle Licus

The Traveler is an annual literary and visual arts publication produced by the Art and English departments of Glendale Community College. Volume 55 of The Traveler takes us to the Busytown Campus, where students are pursuing their creative endeavors.

The book was designed by the GCC Digital Media Arts practicum class and features the writings and artwork submitted by students. The theme this year was designed by Julianne Kyle Licas who recently graduated with her Digital Media Arts Degree.

Copies are available for pick up at the Art and Humanities Office, FA-101, or English Office, O5-150, at the GCC main campus. Past copies of The Traveler can be viewed at