Meet Tiffany, a proud Gaucho who just published a book. Read about how GCC ignited her passion for writing.

Monday, March 22, 2021
Proud Gaucho, Tiffany Meuret

“I found my passion at Glendale Community College!” That's the way Tiffany Meuret sums up her experience at GCC. After graduating from North Canyon High School, she went to ASU on a scholarship, however after a year she had enough. Tiffany commented, “It was too large and I felt lost.  My class schedule was too regimented and because ASU was so expensive I couldn’t take classes that intrigued me. So I lost interest and left ASU.”  The next semester she enrolled at GCC

Tiffany had heard great things about GCC from family and friends, so she decided to give it a try. “At GCC I set out on my own path, taking classes that interested me.” She added, “I felt instantly at home at GCC and was able to connect with other students and especially my instructors.”  Tiffany credits her creative writing instructor with inspiring her to write, a passion that remains to this day.  The class, short-story writing, was taught by Laura Schuett and it opened up a whole new world for Tiffany. She states, “I would not have been able to take this kind of class at ASU due to prerequisites and cost. But what really made it special was the small class-size where I got to know my classmates. Plus we all received individual attention from the instructor.”

Tiffany also cited several more classes that she loved and was able to take because she felt free to explore. One such class was geology. “The instructor was so entertaining, his excitement for geology was contagious, I loved that class.”

Fast forward to today and Tiffany still has a passion for writing, a passion that was ignited at GCC. Even while working full-time and raising two boys she found the time to write a novel. Her book, titled “A Flood of Posies” is a futuristic tale of two sisters having to confront their past as they struggle to survive in a post-apocalyptic world. She admits that the process of getting the book published was not easy, but she persevered and teamed up with Blackspot Books, a publisher she feels comfortable with and  shares her vision. 

Tiffany acknowledged that GCC had an impact on her authorship. “I know I would not have written my book if it weren’t for the influence of GCC and Laura, my creative writing instructor.”  She added, “I would not be writing if it weren’t for the inspiration and encouragement I received from Laura.”

“I am so glad that my path led me to GCC. From the beautiful campus to the great instructors, GCC was where I was meant to be.”