STEM Success Summer Bridge

STEM Summer Bridge with STEM Icons

Graduating High School?

Starting on a STEM degree at GCC in the Fall? 

Give Yourself A Great Start!

The GCC STEM Success Summer Bridge is designed to help you get a great start! Because college is a lot like high school but totally different! Learn student success skills, how to navigate your first year in college and how to complete your degree! Plus how to choose your career and major and graduate with less student debt.

GCC STEM Success Summer Bridge

Tuesday, August 6 - Thursday, August 8

FREE!  Attend live online or in person.

In-person from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. - or - Live online from 2 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.

Register by August 5!

Register now

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    GCC Main Campus

    Attend live online or in person.